Indian Cyber Army hacked 36 Pakistani Government Websites

Indian Cyber Army has launched a major attack against Pakistani government websites by hacking approx 36 websites in few hours. The enormous amount of sites being hacked were all hosted on same site and hence they all fell prey to one root level access exploit by the Indian Cyber Army. The attack might be linked to Mumbai attacks and hence might result in a similar response by Pakistani hacker groups. According to Dawn News:

KARACHI: The government started securing the attacked websites on Tuesday, shortly after a group of hackers calling themselves the ‘Indian Cyber Army’ gained root access to a main server hosting important Pakistani government websites.
In an email sent to media outlets earlier, the hackers’ group claimed to have gained root access to the server hosting the websites.
Meanwhile, a report said the government’s experts claimed the cyber attack had been successfully thwarted.
The group managed to hack at least 36 out of the 40 websites which are reportedly being hosted on the hacked server.
The hackers had inserted a page on the websites declaring that they had successfully rooted the server. The websites had not been entirely defaced.
The hacking attempt appears to be associated with the Mumbai attacks.
Details pertaining to the group behind the attack are not clear. is investigating the matter.
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