Indian Cyber Army hacked 36 Pakistani Government Websites

Indian Cyber Army has launched a major attack against Pakistani government websites by hacking approx 36 websites in few hours. The enormous amount of sites being hacked were all hosted on same site and hence they all fell prey to one root level access exploit by the Indian Cyber Army. The attack might be linked to Mumbai attacks and hence might result in a similar response by Pakistani hacker groups. According to Dawn News:

KARACHI: The government started securing the attacked websites on Tuesday, shortly after a group of hackers calling themselves the ‘Indian Cyber Army’ gained root access to a main server hosting important Pakistani government websites.
In an email sent to media outlets earlier, the hackers’ group claimed to have gained root access to the server hosting the websites.
Meanwhile, a report said the government’s experts claimed the cyber attack had been successfully thwarted.
The group managed to hack at least 36 out of the 40 websites which are reportedly being hosted on the hacked server.
The hackers had inserted a page on the websites declaring that they had successfully rooted the server. The websites had not been entirely defaced.
The hacking attempt appears to be associated with the Mumbai attacks.
Details pertaining to the group behind the attack are not clear. is investigating the matter.

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Top 10 Most Dangerous Places In World

- Côte d’Ivoire

Control Risks: High security and travel risk; extreme security and travel risk in rebel-held north and near western border

Though a 2002 uprising supposedly ended in 2003, the north of the country remains under the control of armed rebels, and sporadic fighting has taken place in Abidjan, the commercial capital. The overall security situation remains potentially volatile, according to the State Department. Control Risks says that the rebellion exacerbated a rise in violent crime, including carjackings and armed robbery.

- Sri Lanka

Control Risks: Extreme security and travel risk and a high terrorism risk in Tamil-majority north and east; medium security, terrorism and travel risk in remainder of country

Lush tropical beauty once made Sri Lanka a popular holiday destination, but a ceasefire between the government and the separatist Tamil Tigers broke down last year, making the country a new addition to our danger list. While foreigners are not directly targeted, the risk of becoming collateral damage is rising in the north and northeast.

10. Pakistan

Control Risks: High security and terrorism risk; extreme security and travel risk in tribal areas bordering Afghanistan

 Domestic Islamic extremist groups, most of which are tied to al-Qaida, pose a serious risk to foreign companies and their workers. Car bombs, gun and grenade attacks and suicide bombings are aimed at Western targets, domestic politicians and local religious minorities and have frequently killed civilians. The capital, Islamabad, and tribal areas bordering Afghanistan are particularly dangerous.

9. Burundi

Control Risks: High security and travel risk; extreme security and travel risk in provinces of Cibitoke, Bubanza and Bujumbura Rural
Because of poor security, few foreign workers remain in Burundi. A civil war that began in 1993 is ongoing, with rebel factions engaging in intense fighting with government forces. The parties agreed to a September 2006 ceasefire, but many of its provisions have not been implemented, and the rebels remain able to attack the capital, Bujumbura.

8. Haiti

Control Risks: High security and travel risk
There is no effective police force in Haiti, where the State Department calls the danger of kidnappings “chronic and growing.” General elections in February 2006 brought about some political stability, aided by the presence of 8,000 U.N. peacekeeping troops. But violence persists, says Control Risks, thanks in part to the proliferation of firearms, an inefficient judiciary and police corruption.

7. Chad

Control Risks: High risk in at least one category and region
 Another new addition to our list, Chad is experiencing both tensions between the government and rebel groups, and interethnic fighting in the east, where the country borders the Darfur region of Sudan. The U.S. State Department reports an increase in the amount of highway banditry across the country and some harassment of American citizens at government roadway checkpoints.

6. Iraq

Control Risks: Extreme security, terrorism and travel risk
No region of Iraq is safe for visitors, not even Baghdad’s well-fortified Green Zone. The U.S.-led occupation has not tamed the insurgency, which is most concentrated in the central region that stretches from Tikrit in the north to Hillah in the south. Various criminal gangs and international terrorists are also active in Iraq and civilians die daily in attacks.

5. Lebanon

Control Risks: High risk in at least one category and region

Hostilities with Israel ended last August, but political tensions within Lebanon have been on the rise. The armed Shiite group Hezbollah (also a political party in Lebanon) maintains a strong presence in many areas, and other extremist groups are active in Tripoli, Sidon and Palestinian refugee camps. In the south, the danger of encountering land mines and unexploded ordnance is significant.

4. Sudan

Control Risks: High risk in at least one category and region
 The western region of Darfur remains the most dangerous part of the country for locals and foreigners alike, with ongoing violence between government-backed militias, government troops and local insurgent groups. Large areas of the south, however, also see fighting between local militias. Sporadic terrorist attacks in Sudan have been aimed at U.S. and Western targets, and kidnappings are common.

3. Somalia

Control Risks: Extreme security and travel risk
The U.S. doesn't have an embassy in Somalia, putting American citizens who travel there out of reach of U.S. assistance. Somalia's federal government recently retook control of much of the country from the Union of Islamic Courts, but this could mean less stability ahead, not more. Interclan fighting and attacks on foreigners are frequent, as are abductions.

2. Afghanistan

Control Risks: Extreme security, terrorism and travel risk

Travelers face the ongoing threat of kidnapping and assassination in Afghanistan, especially outside of Kabul. Former Taliban and al-Qaida operatives remain at large, and attacks with improvised explosive devices are on the rise. Large areas of the country are heavily land-mined or strewn with unexploded ordnance.

1. Liberia

Control Risks: High risk in at least one category and region
In the summer of 2003, Liberia's 14-year civil war was brought to a close with a peacekeeping agreement and the exile of Charles Taylor, the former president. But there are still some 15,000 U.N. peacekeepers stationed throughout the country. Crime is a major problem, with theft, sexual assault and murder common.

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